Product Designer
Seden is a young but global company that wants to simplify how people send and receive parcels. Simplifying connections, we create a delivery and sending app that connects the world.
The Senden commercial app (this version) has two different personas, the receivers, and the senders. This app has settings for both personas. Yet, per the company's request, we focused more on the sender since the company realized that it is the weakest part of their competitor's flow, so they really wanted to excel in this part.
The wireframing was made on an iPad using Procreate. It is incredible how easy and fast it is to create quick wireframes and share them with the client. Also, I used a white color outline with a black background to match the branding.
Virgin America was a great inspiration for making the app attractive and using bright and bold colors.I used black as the neutral color and orange and purple as the primary colors. This combination is appealing and beautiful, and it gives the UI a unique and influential look.
Talking about the UX, I made some crucial decisions, especially in the flow where the user needs to find their parcel. I wanted to use the calendar as the starting point to find the field. The main question was to display when the area should arrive, as I think that information is more critical than which items were ordered. I think it's more important for the user to know the exact time of their items' arrival.
We created a prototype recreating the main steps of the application development. I decided to use After Effects for the animations.